Thursday, April 2, 2009

Razor Ray Emery in Trouble with the Law again

CBC Sports reports that ex-NHL, current Atlant Mytishchi goaltender, and full time ambassador of keeping all things very ral was pulled over in his "infamous white Hummer in the Ottawa area" once again... this time for speeding over 50 km/h over the posted speed limit... the last time he was pulled over in the Razormobile (the time after he may or may not have been busted for buying rocks in the 'hood) was for a minor accident in May of 2007. In that accident "he was uninjured and [kept it ral enough to sign] autographs afterward."! We love how when he's not punching out Russian trainers trying to gently fix a ballcap on his tight 'fro or licking his lips in sweet anticipation of fighting a Francophone goalie who has never fought before (or the full time heavyweight who comes to protect him), he's rocking the pearl white Hummer around Ottawa making sure everyone who isn't on the ice even, is on their toes.

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