Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Skinny on Macedonia

19 year old Aussie Stephanie Naumoska is vying for Miss Universe and got some people riled up about her vital statistics: "1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) tall and weigh[ing] just 49 kg (108 lbs), had a body mass index of just 15.1, well under the official 18 benchmark for malnutrition." The Pageant director Deborah Miller said brunette Naumoska had Macedonian heritage, which accounted for her extreme thinness. "They have long, lithe bodies and small bones. It is their body type, just like Asian girls tend to be small," Miller said. Does Macedonia exist? Is that a magical kingdom where hot skinny little brunettes run around with lithe bodies? What is lithe? Is that word only uttered in Macedonia? Where am I? Cheers to Miss Surrey 08 for keeping it RAL and knowing her way around a ham... and a hog....

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