Thursday, April 9, 2009

Best Idea in the history of humankind...

I'm sure most of you out there have thought of some crazy get rich quick schemes throughout your lives, including the usual suspects like driving to the US and selling your blood and seamen, holding up an old folks home or child trafficking...but these two women took it to a whole other level.

"Two women have been charged with staging sham funerals to collect life insurance payments and other money totaling an estimated $1 million."

Yeah that was my 3rd husband, Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo...where's my money?!? JAKE!

I've often considered staging a fake wedding to get the gifts, but this is far more RAL then that...These women came up with fake names and bribe their way to actually having fake funerals and doing this such as weighing down the coffin so it felt like a real body. They also forged death certificates and bought plots of land to bury empty coffins in...and all for the insurance money...and possibly the best part of this whole story is that the two women, Faye Schilling and Jean Crump, were 60 and 66 respectively....they could be Grandmas and they are out being master criminals raping the insurance companies of nearly one it's clear that these two know what it means to keepitRAL

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