Wednesday, April 1, 2009

RAL – Ref packs yellow card, red card and 9 milli…

So this ref in gave a player a red card and ejected him from a soccer game, naturally the player and his teammates lost it and started rushing the referee. The ref, feeling a threat to his health, “..ran to his patrol car to get his gun after players mobbed him for showing the red-card to one of them...” (he was a cop, which makes it slightly less RAL because he had easy access to a piece, but more RAL that he would still pull it out even though their would be immediate consequences) and started squeezing off warning shots. Not surprisingly the players stopped harassing the ref and started rolling around on the ground as if they were slide tackled…

Also RAL showing the heat you’re carrying, to the TV cameras, letting them know what you’re about.

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