Thursday, April 2, 2009

Unions, negative... Magic, + (for the HIV)

Magic Johnson was one of the greatest NBA players of all time, he does countless hours of charity work and is very successful business man as well, owning condos, gyms and over 300 Starbucks…oh and apparently he hates the poor. Magic went into Brooklyn years ago and started buying it up and developing it into a more livable community, and in the process he stopped hiring and paying the people in the area that need work the most, all because they are unionized. He would rather pay other less skilled people less money and not pay them health care.
“…workers have to pay $360 a month for health care for each member of their family; they are also not offered pensions, job training and other benefits offered to union workers”

He's thin too...

Seems to me that magic might be the smartest business man on the planet and also the RALest, thinking that he’d rather keep the money he earns opposed to paying it out to his employees or funding their hospital bills.

“There is nothing magic about what he does. What he does is prey upon poor people.” (you see what they've done here, is make reference to his name, in a negative context- hhhhhhhhhhha!)

It’s hard to say whether or not Magic is an unethical business man, or this story just features the voices of some upset employees, but there is one thing we can all agree on, Magic Johnson has aids…

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