Sunday, April 5, 2009

Viagra eat your heart out...

So this guy was hospitalized in Peru over the weekend because he was in serve pain as a result of an eight day erection. Yeah you read that correctly, the guy had a jer for over a week, it's unknown as to whether or not the man was in pain over the erection or the rug burn sustained on his penis as a result. Can you imagine being that excited for eight days? How could you carry on a conversation at the post office for instance:

Erect guy: Hi yeah I'd like to mail this letter.
Clerk: Wow you must really love to send out mail.

Or fixing a flat tire:

Erect guy: I see you have a flat there, do you need a hand
Bystander: Wow you must really love to change tires

Or moving furniture:

Friend of erect guy: Thanks for coming over, it shouldn't take too long
Erect guy: Yeah no problem, you owe me one
Friend of erect guy: Are you hard right now?
Erect guy: yeah it's actually very painful, it's been like this for over a week and no matter how many times I pleasure myself it won't go away, I'm really thinking that I should go to the hospital, what do you think?
Friend of erect guy: it looks like you really love to move furniture

Yeah no I just love waiting in lines...

Apparently the guy suffers from priapism, a persistent erection of the penis often due to a blood clot in the erectile tissue, which is only an issue if you don't have someone/something to have sex with. Also it was noted in the article that "The patient arrived at the hospital in great pain because of the erection", which is the same thing that happens to the girls I have sex with...not because it's big but because it instantly gives them an infection...

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