Monday, April 13, 2009

But elbow in the groin had an elbow in the groin....nonRAL

Getting hit in the crotch is one of the worst pains in the world, when it happens time slows to a stand still, you can’t see clearly and even though you want to start right hooking everything in sight, you can’t even get the power to stand to do so…With that in mind it should be noted that no man should ever do what Ray Allen does in this clip, he once played a guy named Jesus in ‘He got game’, but now I think he’d be more suited to play a guy named cocksucker…

It should be noted that Anderson Varejeo must have testicles of steel, or the world’s smallest Johnson to not even flinch after the hit...and that he is nonRAL for just holding his arms in air opposed to ACHUCKALUKAN’ing (See Raltionary for definition) Allen…

see Crotch shots can be FUN!

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