Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The RALtionary

The first rule of a RAL vocabulary is abbreviation. Why you ask? Because I keep it too RAL to say whole words.

RAL - definition: not giving a rip
usage: "that guy keeps it so ral."

NON-RAL - definition: the opposite of RAL
usage: "that Sham-WOW commercial is definitely non-ral eh Jim?"

Jake (jaking) - faking, specifically faking injury and still accepting salary, not giving your all, not meeting expectations.
usage: "Jagr got that big contract and had to sit out first round of the playoffs with a hang-nail, just jaking it."

Jerry - definition: male arousal
usage: "did that guy just pop a Jerry under his desk?"
origin: the "Springer" was adapted into the Jerry to be more acceptable for public use, a la talkshow host Jerry Springer

Jer - definition: male arousal
usage: see 'Jerry'

Half-Jer - definition: male arousal
usage: see 'Jer'

Quarter-Jer - definition: male arousal
usage: see 'Half-Jer'

Benjamin - Alternate world for getting a blow job (BJ...BenJamin...see how it works)
usage: I got a benjamin last night...it was decent

Sleeves Optional - Wearing a shirt that should have sleeves, but instead they are removed
usage: You see the low end going sleeves optional, I bet he has a loan from Wells Fargo

Low End - A person of little class, doing something classless or questionable
usage: you see the low end darting while filling up his gas tank? I wish he lit on fire

Darting - the act of smoking
usage: you see that sleeves optional guy darting while holding his kid? What a low end.

Shirts optional - Not wearing a shirt in places that one should be wearing a shirt
usage: Why is that guy shirts optional on 17th ave?

Roy Orb/Risky business/Risk bizz/Corey Heart/Cor Heart - Thick black frame Ray Ban sunglasses that have retro appeal
usage: What's with Risky Business over there, he knows we're inside right?

Stunna's - Sunglasses
Usage: I need my Stunna's so I can creep at the beach and no one can see my eyes

A Gr - A thousand dollars
Usage: Nice TV, what did it run? 2 gr....oooh

A half Gr - five hundred dollars
Usage: I got a flight for a half gr

Hundo - a hundred dollars
Usage: Nice where you go? Wendy's...I like her but I don't want to drop a hundo

Un - one
Usage: how much is that? Un buck? nice!

Twen - Twenty
Usage: I'll take Twen

Buck - Dollars
Usage: 4 drinks is Twen buck? Let's get Shemensh'd!

Shemensh'd - The act of getting very very intoxicated continually over the course of a few days

Costky - Costco
Usage: I hate going to Costky on a Sunday, because everyone goes for the free samples

Budakai - Definition: Noun: (lang. Japanese) A fetish ritual whereby a large group of men, usually at least 8, ejaculate on a woman's face. Budakai is a Japanese word pronounced 'boo-da-kai'. It had its origins in Japan some 500 years ago where it was a traditional punishment administered by male members of a village against unfaithful women. On the island of Honshu, the guilty woman was buried in the sand up to her neck before being 'Budakai on'. In most other parts of Japan, the woman was merely made to kneel with her hands tied behind her back before being splattered with multiple loads of man-gravy. The practice lost popularity when it was discovered that most women did not consider Budakai a punishment. Today, the practice has wide acceptance in Germany, the US and also in Lethbridge where Budakai Parties are common place. *Thanks to Merv for this gem

Cele - A celebration that goes beyond what is necessary, and is usually planned well in advance
Usage: you see T.O.'s cele last night? When he brought out that midget in diapers it got kind of weird

Stunting - Showing up your opponent
Usage: Man Ram stunts for like 5 min after he hit's a jack, I'm surprised they don't throw at him

Suci - Suicide
Abbreviation - Suc (pronounced SUESS)
Usage - Man this job sucks, murder suci pact? It's the only way out...

Sewer/sew/sew job - screwing someone over
Usage: are you going out? Yeah I'll give you a call...don't sew job me here

CM - Cunty Maneuver
Usage: Your I think that guy stole that girl you came with...cm man cm

ACHUCKALUKAN (pronounced A-Chuck-A-Lookan) - performing an elaborate fighting move, while yelling at your opponent.
Usage: Guy 1 - You want to go man?
Guy 2: ACHUCKALUKAN! (while spinning and uppercutting the guy 10 feet in the air)

Rocket: A beautiful woman.
Usage: You see that girl over there? She's a rocket, I would pay to do things to her

Circ - Circa
Usage: You hear we got Jokinen? Yeah the way the Sun is writing about it you'd think we got Gretzky circ '89

Mailing it in/Mail show/Phoning it in/Phone job/Phone show - When you are capable of trying your hardest at a task, you just choose not to.
Usage: Euro's always mail it in once they get paid. You see that fight last night? Hatton phoned that one in.


  1. Budakai - Definition: Noun: (lang. Japanese) A fetish ritual whereby a large group of men, usually at least 8, ejaculate on a woman's face. Budakai is a Japanese word pronounced 'boo-da-kai'. It had its origins in Japan some 500 years ago where it was a traditional punishment administered by male members of a village against unfaithful women. On the island of Honshu, the guilty woman was buried in the sand up to her neck before being 'Budakai on'. In most other parts of Japan, the woman was merely made to kneel with her hands tied behind her back before being splattered with multiple loads of man-gravy. The practice lost popularity when it was discovered that most women did not consider Budakai a punishment. Today, the practice has wide acceptance in Germany, the US and also in Lethbridge where Budakai Parties are common place.

  2. LOL wow this site is twisted- I'm gonna tell all my friends about it!

  3. Craig MacTavished, MacT'd: Not wearing a condom (dome) or driving drunk.

    Usage 1: Fucking MacT'd that girl from the bar.. just to be safe 4 months from now she's getting pushed down the stairs.

    Usage 2: Not sure why I drove to the Rat so I MacT'd it home.
