Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Video gaming gets far too real...

A 28 year old man has shot and killed a 24 year old in Chicago when a heated game of Call of Duty went sour. The girlfriend of the latter showed up on the scene and found the game still running, the victim still clutching the controller and with a shotgun wound in the back of his head [and, we can only assume, nerds chirping the "newbie" for his lack of attacking or even moving for that matter, coming through the television set]. While these actions are inexcusable I do vividly recall tomahawking a Sega controller (one of those special ones for small hands and extra buttons to boot!) into a TV screen and turning the just-finished upset beating of Bob Probert at the hands of little Darren Turcotte into the real life version, tears streaming down my upset young face... did this just become a post on NHL 93 for Sega Genesis? IKEEPSITRAL.

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