Monday, March 23, 2009

RAL – The Laugh

We here at IKIR (Yeah I acronym’d it) a number of things entertain us, including but not limited to things that are shiny, stuff we hear/read about midgets, people falling down and gay porn. And there is something about this clip that entertains the shit out of me; it could be the absolutely terrible jokes followed by the over the top laughter by the same guy who was telling the joke, the fact that the characters name is Chet Walters, the moustache that is featured on said character, or it could even be that every character in the scene has a nice rack of lamb…one thing I’ll never understand is how this movie (Beverly Hills Ninja, for those with no taste for fine film) didn’t get recognized by the Academy for Movie of the Year….

Feel free to do as Chet Walters would and use the laugh whenever delivering a “Nice Jacket who shot the couch” or “Nice shirt lose a bet?” from now on…

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