Sunday, March 8, 2009

A RAL look at "He's just not that into you..."

Top 11 signs “He’s just not that into you”

1. Money is exchanged or offered at any point during an evening.

If at any point prior to going back to a guy’s house he offers you cash, he thinks you are a hooker and expects you to leave in the morning and to never see you again. Additionally if he offers you money after sex to leave his house, either for a taxi or in lower end form the bus, then sorry sweetheart he’s just not that into you.

2. You look anything like this.

3. He only calls you sweetie, hoe, sweetheart or any variation of those words.

He can’t remember your name, ipso fact so he’s just not that into you.

4. He spends countless hours looking in the mirror. Even during sex.

It’s not that he isn’t into you, he’s just far more into himself, to the extent that it’s creepy....very creepy.

5. He comes up with disturbing nicknames that would cause a piece of you to die if you found out what they meant, how they originated and that they were directed towards you.

Ie: Grenade Face, SSW, Cum Dumpster...etc.

6. He looks anything like this.

7. He wakes up, turns over sees you there, and his response is “ah...fuck me” or “uggh” or any similar reaction of regret or disgust.

This one is self explanatory.

8. He at any point during the evening slams whatever he is drinking, looks your direction turns to his friend and emphatically says “NO!” implying that he still isn’t drunk enough to take you home even after pounding what could very well have been a quad gin ton or shot of GRIM.*

He needs epic inebriation levels just to consider sleeping with you. So. not. into. you.

9. You send him 12,000 texts, post no less than 400 times on his wall and call him constantly, to which he responds with one text back.

You are putting the time and effort in; he is not and therefore is not that into you.

10. He openly mocks you to your face about things that no man should mock a woman to her face about...

May it be your intelligence, what you are wearing or even your weight; if he was into you he’d have the decency to at least do it behind your back.

11. Last but not least...he turns down sex with you at any time without being on his death bed, having a broken penis, or maybe having herpes

No man does this when it’s a lay-up unless you look like the woman in number 2, or he’s just not into you.....Or subsequently he’s an actual nice guy and cares about your feelings even if he’s not into you, but that doesn’t occur often.

*GRIM - is a drink that is consists of taking a litre of rum and a 2-6 of Gin in each hand and chugging them simultaneously for 15-20 seconds. RAL

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