Thursday, March 26, 2009

nonRAL – Helping those who don’t need it

All this guy wanted to do was live off the land, get drunk, eat pizza out of discarded boxes, urinate on himself and sleep under the freeway, and then two fucking saints came out and ruined it for him. Who do they think they are? Paying a guy to advertise their site for $100 per day and raising 50 gr on his behalf? The guy obviously didn’t want the help saying:

“It’s probably mostly my fault. ... I made a lot of poor choices," Edwards said, his voice trailing. "I was filthy. I just didn't feel human anymore."

That sounds like a man who knew his place in the world, just listen to him after he received the 50 gr and entered into rehab:

"…tired of laying down," he said. "I'm tired of giving up. ... This life is worth fighting for." Disgusting…

Well here’s hoping that he fails rehab and is will be back in the gutter BM’ing himself in no time!

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