Thursday, March 12, 2009

That's NONRal

Here we will be highlighting things that we think are NonRal in list form, please feel free to email things you think are NonRal to and if we agree we will put them up...

Calgary Alberta Radio Voices - if you live in this aforementioned city, you know who Sean Jones (Spence Diamonds), Christine Magee (Sleep Country Canada), Miss Ang (Vibe 98.5), and Gerry Forbes (CJAY 92) are (yeah ok, the latter does do some good things as well- Secret Wish, Kids Fund...) and unless you're a total douchebag you are not in any of their fan clubs... they are the epitome of annoying, enough said.

*Thanks to Mardi E. for the suggestion (she has a particular hate-on for Ms. Ang)

Greedy Strippers - when you make it rain and the stripper automatically thinks the money belongs to her. *Thanks to IMac for the submission.

Bluetooth Headsets - No one on earth is that important that they need to walk around town with a headset on, if you're talking into it you are maybe ok* if you just have it in to look important...nonRAL

*Ed. Always unacceptable as bending your elbow and holding your arm upright never has been and never will be considered difficult

Coffee drinks with more than 2 words in them - If your drink at starbucks requires you to take a breath in between the start and finish of your and your drink are nonRAL.

Parking Cops - Self explanitory...transit cops and bylaw officers and rent-a-cops can fit this category also...scabs of the earth

Trucks with huge lift kits in the city, with calvin pissing stickers - Nothing says to the world..."HEY look at me...I have a super small dick!" more than driving your monster truck through crowded streets and parking lots in a city.

Guys who use elliptical machines - Some will argue that it's a stair master and treadmill in one, I argue that it looks like you are skiing (if you know what I mean *wink*) and skipping at the same time...use a treadmill

Guys in 8 fantasy leagues at once - Stick to one or two and never talk about them, you aren't a GM and no one wants to hear about how Carcillo's trade to Philly will positively impact a team you don't play for/own. (This applies directly to me)

People that use their Facebook status as a play-by-play - if you change it more then twice a day we are talking to you, no one really cares that you just woke up, had a piece of toast, got dressed, went to class/work, are working, hate work, are going home, are going out, can't believe how drunk you 9 consecutive updates throughout the day

People who go home with someone...just to sleep - you made the conscious decision to go to a house that isn't yours after the bar and nothing near sexual happens...both parties lose in this scenario and it really puts a damper on the perogies and Soul Decision

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