Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A RAL Look at - The Kalashnikov (AK-47)

This piece of equipment has probably kept it more ral than any 10 pound piece of metal ever created. Created by a Russian foot soldier after taking a few bullets and wanting to create a rifle that would never fail and work in any conditions. The name itself, AK-47 stands for Auto Rifle, brought into service in 1947. The rifle is so simple to load and fire, that anyone from the age of 5 to 95 can use it. There have been more AK's made than all other guns combined on earth, they can be purchased for as little as $30 in parts of Africa and the Middle East, which makes me want to get over to these regions ASAP. The ultimate sign of the AK's ralness, is that it appears on the national flag of Mozambique (below).

The Kalashnikov has been present in every major war and conflict since its introduction, and most likely won't be replaced until commercially available lasers are invented. It has killed more people than both atomic bombs combined and is the ultimate tool to keep it ral when you need to. The AK keepsitral to the fullest.

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