Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ral MOW – Training Day

For those who have seen this movie there is no questioning its RALness, Denzel Washington won an Oscar for his role, Dr. Dre and Snoop are in the movie, there is a full jer inducing Eva Mendes scene (she’s naked!) and Ethan Hawke is in it for some reason as well…

Essentially the story revolves around a dirty cop who beat a Russian to death in Vegas, for no apparent reason (RAL), and sets up an elaborate plan to get some cash to pay off said Russians and save his life. The plan involves making Eth Hawke smoke PCP, killing a guy he considers a friend, shooting some of his fellow police officers to make a robbery look more realistic, tipping a crippled Snoop’s wheel chair over and dropping Eth Hawke at some Cholo Gangsters house to be killed and possibly have his ass violated. And all this transpires in a single day, like 24 but way more gangsta. Additionally the soundtrack is hard as fuck featuring songs from VC- Murder, Kokane and a song titled ‘Fuck you’.

So if that doesn’t make this movie RAL, then just have a look at Alonzo’s (Washington) office…

Still not convinced then check this rant which features the RALest way to demand that someone returns something of monetary value back to you…“I NEED THAT MONEY JAKE!”

Kind of a long clip but RAL throughout, including Alonzo smoking kool cigarettes, a shot to the ass and a King Kong reference…

Feel free to use this line when a friend, loved one, waiter, carney, prostitute or bank is withholding funds from you…with the last one it’s probably best to wear a mask while delivering said line.

What? We got 'em all tied up, and now you're leaving? I thought you were into this S&M thing?

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