Monday, March 16, 2009

The Watchmen: RAL split-decision

In a brief synopsis, the Watchmen was about a cigar-smoking old man, masked detective, white Prince wannabe, Batman’s nerdy little brother, token hot chick, and disgruntled Blue Man Group member taking on… the white Prince wannabe and the Blue Man… or was it the Russians? I’m confused. All I know is that the latter got thinking he was too smart to still be playing his crappy drums in Vegas and loved the blue makeup but despised having to wear clothes. Half the reason for going to this was knowing that there was a sex scene somewhere in the flick, so boy were we excited when Blue Man (while still tinkering with the worlds first intergalactic espresso machine by way of thought) splices himself in 4 and starts fondling [Swedish-Canadian hottie Malin Akerman] which she romantically describes as “sucking on a battery”. She then awakes to 4 swinging blue members and realizing that the genius is still warping time and saying smart things to Prince while trying to gangbang her, leaves him for the loving human caress of Batman II (cue actual sex scene, in their excuse for a spacecraft) while the big blue baby leaves to Mars to make himself a big clock and weep about stuff.

He's blue and da ba de da ba di...

The gang tracks down white Prince in his arctic lair (including some kind of horned leopard) and fight each other and say philosophical things until the world is brought to peace once and for all (?). Is The Watchmen RAL? You decide on this one.

Akerman in blonder times...

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