Wednesday, March 18, 2009

nonRAL - Cialis TV ads

We have all seen these ads before, the ones where you're watching two people run around their house trying to fix all these little things that have gone wrong in their house/life...and you're left wondering "WTF are these 2 idiots doing...this commercial makes no sense". Then the "Cialis" moniker shows up on screen and it suddenly all makes sense...or does it? First, the dude in these ads should not need boner medicine at his age...if I'm in my mid 40's and I have no lead left in my pencil I'm going the Japanese business man route, not the Cialis route.

No one does this

Next, does anyone have that much going on when they decide to get buck and have at 'er? I mean watering the lawn/cooking a turkey/running a bath/dog shitting in the house and then all the sudden buddy goes full Jer and its on right away, no time waste, this is the first boner this guy has had in years and might unload pre-mature if he stops to turn the tap off...not to mention they go at it for apparently 4 hours...or 5 days in the case of that one couple that goes missing...what this boils down to is...Cialis has some nonRAL ads or I watch too much TV.

Extenze on the other hand...they know how to keepsitral...if I see Ron Jeremy promoting something that will "give me better performance...down there" I already have the number dialed before I hear the special offer or how I can use it on my boat.

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