Tuesday, March 17, 2009

RAL Politician - Sen. Charles Grassley

I am sorry Father for I have failed you...

Politics are boring so I will cut to the chase here...for those who follow the news you'll know about some execs and insurance giant AIG getting insane bonuses when the company should have gone out of business if it weren't for a 130 billion dollar bailout. Commenting on outrage from the US public, Senator Charles Grassley suggested that AIG execs that received bonuses do the following..."Quit or commit suicide"(this was on the record to the media by the way). The exact quote was "In the case of the Japanese (businessmen), they usually commit suicide before they make any apology". Don't get me wrong, I hate politicians, and this will probably be the last one that keepsitral...but Grassley keptitral.

UPDATE: When asked by the media today...he stood behind his comment.

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