Thursday, March 12, 2009

RAL movie of the week -- Rambo

Each Thursday we will be introducing something from the world of entertainment, such as a movie, album, book or TV show that we think is RAL. To be considered Ral doesn't mean winning an award, or being liked by the masses, or even being enjoyed by anyone really. But rather something that goes out of it's way to be what it is and make the audience accept it.

This week it's the latest installment in the Rambo franchise. The movie isn't particularly good, there is maybe 10 lines of dialogue throughout, but it's epic in so many other ways that it more than qualifies as RAL. Firstly Rambo is about 83 years old and has almost as much muscle as I do. (Which is saying something as I live off steel and HGH, and am known for once having ripped a shark in half*) Anyway this flick is Ral from the start as the opening credits feature J. Rambo fishing with a bow and arrow, most people use a rod or at best a spear to catch the tamest creatures in the water, but Rambo uses a bow and arrow. And that theme of over the top outlandishness continues throughout the film as it isn't good enough for Rambo to merely kill someone, he instead must decapitate/disintegrate/disembowel/shoot them with a 50 cal. from one foot away to do so. It's this reckless abandonment that Sly Stalone (writer/producer/director/star) thought would make this movie popular, which it didn't, but it certainly made it RAL.


  1. Why haven't I seen this yet!?

  2. because you aren't RAL...yet.

    the best line has to be "Fuck Life" by John Rambo
