Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bertram Okeke... KEEPSITRAL

This submission is from WallyBird... he figures the mugshot of this Calgary, AB real estate agent keeps it RAL enough without some fancy entry, we concur. But just in case you weren't convinced, you should know that (apparently) his pic used to have him wearing a lime green suit, matching fedora, and with a feather in his cap (one of our editors actually remembered this dude as soon as I said "realtor" so we'll take his word on it- finding a picture of aforementioned lime suit/fedora combo wins you a free t-shirt (seriously)). Also, he got his BMgt degree from the University of Lethbridge (out of control RAL) and has his spoken languages on his website listed as 'African'... we're also guessing he speaks the language of love fluently (in various states of undress and dress- in lime and crocodile of course). Bertram, keep keepin' it Ral.

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