Showing posts with label Durango. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Durango. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pre fight warm-up

If you've ever been in a fight you know that the pre-fight festivities usually last longer then the actual fight...this includes but is not limited to chirping, getting as many friends around as possible, asking someone to hold your drink/glasses/jacket/earrings/purse (women fight as well, don't be sexist), removal of ones shirt, doing at least three circles with your opponent to "look for an opening" and the step forward foot jab to test the reflexes of course. All of this is usually followed by some grapling, a few punches that don't land and then a bunch of bouncers/friends step in to break it up. (Unless you know Romeo, then it's a one punch followed by an appearance by an ambulance)

This guy however takes the pre fight routine to astronomical new heights...

man breaks car with head - Watch more

I'm no mathamagician but you'd think a pre fight headbutt to a Durango's back window would be a detriment in your ability to take punches, but you can never underestimate the power of intimidation, particularily when some guy can't stop yelling "OH MY GOD!" before the fight has even started.

Again thanks to Justin C. for finding the clip