Friday, April 24, 2009

This is why you fat, this is why, this is why you fat...

So I came across this product today that might be the easiest way to tell someone you like food...alot. It's a business card made of beef jerky, that has your information lasered onto it...

If you work in the jerky industry then this is the greatest thing that has ever happend to you, if you don't however then you might have a problem...let's say you're a small business owner, how do you explain that your card is made of salted meat? You could probably get really excited explaining that all your info and shit was lasered onto it, banking on whoever you are giving it to really enjoys Star Trek and the laser reference will give them an erection...but that will probably only happen 2 or maybe 3 times a year (alot of people like Star Trek, must be those hot Klingons) other then that you probably won't impress anyone else. Unless of course you deal exclusively with the morbidly obese, they will like anything that can suppress their feelings...

1 comment:

  1. But the fatties would eat the meatcard and never have your phone and fax numbers again
