Thursday, October 1, 2009

We should take legal action

So a few months ago we changed into an adult 'humor' comic site, as it was easier to produce and all of the twisted ideas inside my head seem far less harmless when they are in comic form. Anyway one of the comics we made involved a parody of Rick Springfield's classic song 'Jesse's Girl'. Well if it wasn't one month later with this video surfaces on a humor site owned by Will Ferrel, take a look for yourself, but I'm pretty sure we'd have a case here:

Note the anger Jesse feels towards Rick and the creep stare/crotch rub. The last part isn't featured in our comic, it's just really arousing...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Another! I think this is what you call a streak

Marisa in the bath...

Because no matter how hard we try we can't get away from that good ol' smut material, especially when it looks like this...